We Write Copy
You can hire Webpedal to perform your copywriting workflows.
We'll analyze your product or service, create the copy, apply it to your website and then provide you with the source-information in a MS Word document when we're done. It's simple.
Write Your Own Copy
It's words and sentences on a website page, a product description or a catch phrase. We've observed that it is also the single most time consuming and troublesome task for individuals and businesses to accomplish.
It sounds easy doesn't it? All you have to do is make sure your copy is grammatically correct, conveys your message, contains important keywords, is stylistically consistent and holds the reader's attention.
Many individuals and businesses are perfectly capable of writing their own copy – after all, they're the Subject-Matter-Experts on their services or products and DIY is a cost-effective option. Creating the words, editing the content, version control and making copy interesting to read is another matter and it's not as easy as one might have been led to believe. What if you just don't like the act of writing time-consuming documents?
Think about it and let us know what you decide. We'd be glad to write your website copy and we'll make it stand out when we do it.
Webpedal also provide copywriting for other important business documents: