Website Maintenance

  • About Website Maintenance Agreements

    Depending on the needs of your business and your staffing levels many businesses opt to provide their own maintenance.

  • Conversely, some businesses choose to have experts update their sites (such as Webpedal). Doing so saves the business from committing to extra head-count or piling additional responsibility on existing head-count. These existing head-count will need to develop their skills relating to web technologies in order to effectively manage the website – there is a very real and sometimes significant learning curve involved.

  • For this latter scenario we offer website maintenance as a cost-benefit option.

  • If you’re considering handing over maintenance chores to subject matter experts for your personal or business website we'd be glad to help. We'll define your needs and develop a plan to keep your website fresh and vibrant.

  • webpedal brand

  • webpedal website maintenance
  • A basic informational website requires very little maintenance. Larger websites with content that is constantly changing requires more man-power to stay current. For sites without a content-management-system (CMS) here is a basic housekeeping list for websites that require updates:

    • New page creation
    • Create and apply copy-text
    • Update hyperlinks, if any
    • Update menus as needed
    • Assets - photo or icon creation and placement on the page
    • Apply page meta data
    • If the page will be crawled - update the sitemap.xml file and robots.txt files - submit to the crawler
    • Test and load the page and assets to a host server, test again and make adjustments